Available Paintings on Canvas

All work on this page is available for sale.

To purchase or inquire about available work, commission projects,
or to schedule a studio visit, write: info@theresemurdza.com.

new work

i trust the place where our bodies meet. i want the part where we say yes.
the both + always i could look at your face forever
hello love (she says) i made you a pie
i love you with all of my heart
it all rises to the surface + i'm (still) yours
i like it when you say please
elevations 004-001
elevations 004-002

untitled traveling interval 150803
you always (a credible persuasion)
sometimes, we know what we're doing (i choose you)
i adore you. i adore you.
everything is a love letter
go ahead (see me) in your dream
untitled traveling interval 557
her boy smile, all of it true
elevations 003-08
precursory bearing on the full 7
untitled traveling interval 791
untitled traveling interval 792
18 to the 5 to the come what may
and you (addendum)
there is convexity in her claim
we found it indefinitely contiguous
2010 - 2011
she held to account a storied record of events I
believe me, it makes for a wonderful diversion
it's like dreaming in the Key of G
it comes into play more often than you'd think
she's easy to write home about
2008 - 2009
lovely weather come sunday
the sky kept its promise (and the blooms came 'round again) 1:1, 1:2, 1:3
blanket rumors spun gold
there is a beneficent leaning
ochre II
untitled story no. 47
free dreams, no waiting
2006 -2007
two and then three
there is always yes
2004 - 2005
blue nine
queerly peared 1
two green
river 9
blue 1